A Modern Classic

Woodford Reserve is one of the most well-known bourbons in the world, having established itself as a premium brand since being launched by Brown-Forman in 1996. The particular bottle I'm tasting today is one I've had for a few years, Bottle #7029 from Batch #722.

The nose starts off with hints of cinnamon over a mild oakiness, with a slight tinge of ethanol lingering. On the palate, a nice caramel emerges on top of the oak with some vanilla swirling around, giving us that classic bourbon flavor. The finish is medium to long, as the palate gives way to a slight burnt effect on the caramel, not altogether unlike a crème brûlée.

Woodford Reserve is neither particularly complex nor unique, but it establishes itself well within the expectations for a classic straight bourbon. I wouldn't consider this a prized bottle by any means, but I would happily drink it any day!